Dermaplaning is a non-invasive, medical aesthetic procedure, which utilizes a manual method of exfoliation to remove dead skin cells and vellus hair. Also referred to as epidermal leveling, dermaplaning may instantly help to brighten a dull complexion, improve skin texture and tone so skin looks radiant, and feels fresh.

The procedure is 5 times more efficient at epidermal exfoliation than microdermabrasion and does not cause superficial irritation that is often associated with other exfoliation techniques. Used on it’s own, or in combination with other treatments such as facials and chemical peels, dermaplaning is an excellent choice to include in a personalized treatment plan to improve the health of your skin.*


The procedure starts with a cleansing of the skin. Dermaplaning is performed safely and gently using a sterile surgical blade. Your skin is held tightly while soft precision strokes are carried out with the blade at a 45 degree angle. The method removes the uttermost layer of dead skin cells, leaving your skin smooth and supple. Once the treatment is completed, dermaplaning may trigger a higher rate of cell turnover reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation and sun spots.
Contact GLO Antiaging in Calgary or GLO antiaging Youth Lab in Kelowna to book your dermaplaning appointment or schedule a complimentary consultation by clicking one of the links below.


Most skin types can benefit from dermaplaning including: men, women and young adults, from all ethnic backgrounds, however it should be avoided with active acnetic skin. It is also a great alternative for patients who are pregnant or nursing that would like a deep exfoliation and are unable to have chemical exfoliation treatments performed during this time.


  • Removing dull epidermal skin cells allows topical products to penetrate more efficiently into the deeper layers of the skin and increases the efficacy of the active ingredients in skincare.
  • Dermaplaning triggers a higher rate of cellular turnover and an increase in the production of collagen. As we age, decreased collagen production plays a large role in the visible signs of aging. Treatments that increase collagen production are highly beneficial for overall antiaging and skin rejuvenation, producing a smoother, more supple and vibrant complexion.
  • Hyperkeratosis reduction. Hyperkeratosis is a buildup of the outermost layer of your epidermis. That buildup causes the dull complexions, improper product penetration and acne. Dermaplaning reduces the thickness of the outer layer of the skin to correct those skin conditions, while increasing the thickness of the remaining epidermis and dermis.
  • Hyperpigmentation. Demaplaning is most beneficial for hyperpigmentation because of its ability to increase penetration of products that inhibit the production of melanin such as hydroquinone, kojic acid, lactic acid and retinols.
  • Removal of vellus hair or “peach fuzz.” This hair often causes a buildup of dirt and oil in the follicles. By removing the hair, not only is there an immediate reduction of dirt and oil build up, makeup also applies smoother on the face. There is a common misconception that this will cause hair to grow in darker and coarser. Vellus hair, by nature is soft and fine, so removing them via dermaplaning will not make them thicker or coarser.
*Results may vary.


Glo Antiaging Calgary and Kelowna before and after
3 Months Post 4 Laser Hair Removal Treatments
Glo Antiaging Calgary and Kelowna before and after
Post Treatment Regimen